call Benevento
call Milano
call Catania
location_on Locations


    * Reporting Scope

    Conducts to which the Report refers

    Type of Report

    Countering corruption and the improper use of public power is a civic duty to which everyone can contribute. Precisely for this reason, the legislator has provided specific forms of protection for the reporter, not contemplating the possibility of sending reports anonymously.

    For this reason, the absolutely privileged form of reporting - which will be guaranteed priority treatment - is the so-called reporting. confidential, i.e. one in which the reporting person discloses his/her personal details which will in any case be treated with the guarantees provided by law (confidentiality, prohibition of access, protection against discriminatory acts possibly suffered...).
    However, reports made anonymously (i.e. without indicating your personal details) will be taken into consideration only in particular cases and, in any case, will not be processed pursuant to art. 54-bis of Legislative Decree. 165/2001 and subsequent amendments. However, the reports, even if sent anonymously in the first instance, may subsequently be integrated with the personal details of the person making the report in order to acquire any form of legal protection, in addition to management priority. All reports, in compliance with the protection of the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter, may be sent to other institutions (judicial authority, public service department, court of auditors, etc.).

    *Type of Reporter

    This report can be made by an employee of the administration or by any person who operates as a worker or collaborator of companies supplying goods and/or services and carrying out works in favor of the public administration


    Has the event passed or is it still ongoing?

    Indicate the period




    Describe (with a maximum of 3,000 characters including spaces) the fact that is the subject of the report


    Place where the behavior took place

    Possible Economic Impact

    of the reported conduct

    Degree of involvement


    State of knowledge of the facts

    Are you the only one who knows the facts?


    Who are the subjects involved and type of involvement in the event being reported

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